انگلیسى براى دانشجویان رشته برنامهریزى درسى
English for the Students of Curriculum Development
Part One: Curriculum Design
Lesson One: Curriculum Design
Lesson Two: Organized Subject Matter as a Data Source
Lesson Three: The Student as a Data Source
Lesson Four: Society as a Data Source and Other Curriculum Designs
PartTwo: Curriculum Improvement Based on a Curriculum Model
Lesson Five: Curriculum Improvement
Lesson Six: Conception of Curriculum
Lesson Seven: Levels of Curriculum Decision Making
Part Three: Reappraisal of Tyler Rationale
Lesson Eight: Tyler Rationale: An Overview
Lesson Nine: Subject Matter as a Source of Objectives
Lesson Ten: Needs of Learners as a Source of Objectives
Lesson Eleven: Studies of Contemporary Life as a Source of Objectives
Part Four: Intellectual Criteria for Curriculum Integration
Lesson Twelve: Validity Within the Disciplines and Validity for the Disciplines
Lesson Thirteen: Validity Beyond the Disciplines and Contribution to Broader Outcomes
Part Five: Prerequisite Knowledge in Curriculum
Lesson Fourteen: Bases for Curriculum Sequence in Conceptions of Prerequisite Knowledge
Lesson Fifteen: The Issue of the Availability Versus the Accessibility of Prerequisite Knowledge
Part Six: Further Reading
Balance in the Curriculum
Intellectual Independence
Formulation of Problems
Critical Thinking
این کتاب برای دانشجویان رشته برنامهریزی درسی در مقطع کارشناسی به عنوان منبع اصلی درس «زبان تخصصی» به ارزش 2 واحد تدوین شده است.
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